Our Reporting Approach
Scope of the Report
This is the fifth annual stand-alone sustainability report by Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited
(SHKP), describing the sustainability performance and initiatives of our head office and
subsidiaries in Hong Kong. These include the wholly-owned Hong Yip Service Company
Limited and Kai Shing Management Services Limited in property management, Sanfield
(Management) Limited in construction and Royal Brand hotels – The Royal Garden, Royal
Park Hotel, Royal Plaza Hotel and Royal View Hotel. Also covered are major subsidiaries
SmarTone Telecommunications Holdings Limited in telecommunications and SUNeVision
Holdings Limited in information technology.
Our Hong Kong operations represent the majority of SHKP’s investments, and our most
significant environmental and social impact and influence is our property management,
construction and hotel businesses. However, in order to demonstrate our commitment to
better visibility of sustainability performance to stakeholders, we expand the scope of our
report to include telecommunications and IT infrastructure subsidiaries.
This report focuses on Hong Kong, which is in line with our business strategic direction.
While we will continue to expand our business on the mainland, currently it only represents
about 20% of our investments. As such, this report focuses on our businesses and operations
in Hong Kong. For more details of our businesses, please see our
annual report.This report discloses our progress on economic, environmental, social and governance
issues from 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015, unless otherwise stated.
Reporting Standards
The report has been prepared in accordance with the Core option of the Global Reporting
Initiative (GRI) G4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines and Construction and Real Estate
Sector Disclosures requirements of the guidelines. Reference is also made to the updated
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Reporting Guide set out in Appendix 27 of the
Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, as
outlined in Consultation Conclusions – Review of the Environmental, Social and Governance
Reporting Guide issued in December 2015 and the Ten Principles of the United Nations
Global Compact (UNGC).
In line with these standards, key stakeholders and our Sustainability Steering Committee
were engaged in the preparation of this report and in reviewing the most relevant and
important sustainability issues for the Group to report on. More details can be found in
Our Approach to Sustainabilitysection.
Report Assurance and Verification
Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency has provided independent verification in accordance
with the Core option of the GRI G4 Guidelines with respect to the extent of coverage and
information provided. The verification statement can be found on
page 51.We welcome stakeholder feedback
and suggestions.
Please contact us at:
Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited Sustainability Report 2014/15