Verification Statement
Scope and Objective
Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (‘HKQAA’) was commissioned by the Sun Hung Kai
Properties Ltd (‘SHKP’) to provide an independent verification of its Sustainability Report
2014/15 (‘the Report’) which was prepared in accordance with the Core option of the G4
Sustainability Reporting Guidelines and the associated Construction and Real Estate Sector
Disclosures requirements of the Guidelines issued by the Global Reporting Initiative (‘GRI’).
Reference was also made to the latest Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting Guide
(‘ESG Reporting Guide’) addressed in Appendix 27 of the Rules Governing the Listing of
Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (‘SEHK’), and the ten principles of the
United Nations Global Compact (‘UNGC’).
The aim of this verification activity is to assess the Report’s adherence to GRI’s principles of
Stakeholder Inclusivity, Materiality and Responsiveness; the UNGC and the SEHK’s ESG
Reporting Guide.
The Report states SHKP’s major activities and achievements on sustainable development from
1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015.
Assurance Methodology
The assurance process used in this verification exercise was based on current best practices
and our management procedures, and was carried out with reference to the following criteria:
GRI’s G4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines, and the associated Construction and Real
Estate Sector Disclosures
The ten principles of the UNGC
SEHK’s ESG Reporting Guide
In addition, reliability of sampled sustainability information and data was verified against the
International Standard on Assurance Engagement 3000 – “Assurance Engagement Other Than
Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information” issued by the International Auditing and
Assurance Standards Board for a reasonable level of assurance.
The assurance process consisted of:
reviewing sampled documents
checking the data management mechanism
communication with or interviewing relevant personnel responsible for compiling the data
verifying the selected representative samples and examining the supporting evidence,
including raw data that supports the report contents
undertaking analytical procedures over the reported data
Accuracy and reliability of the aggregated data was sample tested. The processes for data
collection, aggregation, estimation, calculation and internal vettingwere reviewed andexamined
in order to confirm the extent of robustness. Detail verification results and recommendations
are stated in a separate report provided to SHKP.
HKQAA was not involved in collecting and computing the reporting data, and in the
development of the Report. HKQAA’s activities are independent from SHKP.
The verification team confirmed that the Report which was prepared based on factual statements
and the data contained within the Report are accurate and reliable.
Based on the evidence sampled, the verification team observed that the information presented
in the Report has provided a material and complete representation of the performance of SHKP
in the context of sustainable development. It is also a fair and true representation of commitment,
targets, progress and performance on SHKP’s sustainable development achievements.
To conclude, the Report is able to provide an adequate and reasonable account of SHKP’s
sustainability performance on material aspects during the reporting period, and to demonstrate
satisfactory disclosure of SHKP’s sustainability performance according to the Core option of the
GRI’s G4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines and the associated Construction and Real Estate
Sector Disclosures as well as the SEHK’s ESG Reporting Guide. The Report also demonstrates
a gradual progress to fulfill the ten principles of the UNGC.
Signed on behalf of Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency
Ronnie Ng
Thomas Ma
Assistant General Manager
Verification Team Representative
30 March, 2016
30 March, 2016
Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited Sustainability Report 2014/15