Corporate Governance
Corporate governance plays an instrumental role in our sustainability development.
We believe strongly in accountability and transparency. We uphold high standards of
corporate governance in all areas of our operations to build trust with our stakeholders.
Our Board of Directors is ultimately responsible for and is dedicated to ensuring effective
corporate governance across the Group. Our expectations of employees and suppliers are
governed through internal mechanisms such as the Code of Conduct. A whistle-blowing
mechanism provides an effective channel for employees to raise suspected misconduct,
malpractice or impropriety directly to the Chairman and Managing Director, the Audit
Committee, Head of Human Resources or Head of Internal Audit. Reported cases that
warrant investigations will be referred to the Audit Committee. General workplace grievances
are reported to direct supervisors and can be escalated to the Internal Affairs Department.
External grievances are handled by the relevant employees, who interact
directly with the stakeholder.
The composition of our Board changed on 19 December 2014 involving
the resignations of Mr. Thomas Kwok as an Executive Director and as
Chairman and Managing Director, and Mr. Thomas Chan as an Executive
Director of the Group. Normal daily business and operations of the Group
remain unaffected since the conclusion of the court case. No charges or
allegations have been made and no convictions have resulted against the
Group. Our corporate governance structures remain intact. Ongoing and
open communications have been maintained with regulators, investors and
We remain truthful and transparent in our timely
communication with our stakeholders, who
continue to have confidence in the Group. Our
efforts in transparent communication and robust
corporate governance have been recognized
through the investment community, including
being named Best Managed Company in
the Real Estate / Property Sector in Asia by
Euromoney magazine.
Our Approach to Sustainability
Our Approach to Sustainability
Internal Affairs Department is responsible for human resources management.
Our Building Homes with Heart philosophy forms an overarching principle of being a
responsible corporate citizen. We are committed to creating sustained value for stakeholders
by integrating environmental, social and governance considerations in doing business.
Driving Sustainability
Sustainability is an essential
part of our mission, values,
systems and processes, and
is treated holistically in our
day-to-day operations and
risk management. There are
comprehensivepolicies todrive
and manage environmental,
occupational health and
safety, and corporate social
responsibility matters.
The Group’s sustainability is
under the purview of the Sustainability
Steering Committee composed of senior
management representatives from key divisions,
and led by an Executive Director. An additional member
representing telecommunications and IT infrastructure businesses
joined the committee. The committee monitors the Group’s sustainability
performance in operations, reviews stakeholder feedback and updates relevant
The steering committee is supported by committees and working groups from
each business unit, including an Energy Optimization Committee monitoring
energy consumption in investment properties, an Occupational Health and Safety
Committee that oversees safety practices on construction sites and the Corporate
Communications Department that manages community outreach.
For details on our corporate governance structure and practices, please refer to the Corporate Governance section in our 2014/2015 annual report.7
Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited Sustainability Report 2014/15