Our Approach to Sustainability
How We Address Stakeholders’ Key Concerns
Environmental issues
We continue improving on building management by extending energy efficiency projects
at our existing commercial premises and further expanding the number of buildings
monitored and reported for energy consumption and carbon emissions. Our online data
system captures environmental data on energy, greenhouse gases, waste, and water across
our property and non-property businesses.
While recognizing our presence in the market as a major property developer, some
stakeholders suggest we consider introducing new technologies to our products and
services. We support research and development on green building technologies that have
been piloted at the properties we develop. Our data centre services also enable customers
to choose sustainable options.
Workplace practices
Some employees suggest that we should place more emphasis on training and development
and provide more support. We recognize the importance of raising the skills of our people
and we have a number of programmes in place to support training and development.
Data privacy
Given the increasing trend of personal data loss / leakage incidents happening around the
world, our stakeholders suggest that we should take every measure to safeguard the data
security of our customers. We have a Group level Customer Data (Privacy) Policy for all our
Encourage competition and strengthen anti-corruption practices
Over 30% of survey respondents considered that how we manage anti-competitive and
corruption issues is important to them.
As a major player in the local market, we strictly abide by the Competition Ordinance and
have been demonstrating integrity in our operations.
We will continue to maintain a robust and transparent corporate governance structure. We
remain transparent through timely disclosures to our stakeholders. For more details on our
whistle-blowing mechanisms to tackle corruption, please refer to
Corporate Governanceon
page 7. For details, please refer to the ValueCreated for Environment For details, please refer to the Value Created for People For details, please refer to the Value Created for Customers9
Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited Sustainability Report 2014/15