Calculation is referenced to the methodology adopted by the Hong Kong Construction
Industry rate is calculated based on calendar year. Reference was made to Occupational Safety
and Health Statistics Bulletin (August 2015) from the Labour Department of Hong Kong SAR
In managing procurement fraud risks, we require tendering companies and their board
members to declare any conflicts of interest, and encourage reporting of any suspected
misconduct through a whistle-blowing mechanism. In the event of contravention by any
subcontractors or suppliers, we will take appropriate disciplinary actions or report to the
regulators. We do not knowingly work with any suppliers or business partners that fail to
comply. Our anti-corruption policy can be found on our online vendor platform.
Upholding Human and Labour Rights in Supply Chain
We uphold human and labour rights across our supply chains. We have zero tolerance for
child labour and forced labour, and expect our suppliers to do the same. We are the first
developer in the industry to establish a Construction Wage Protection Partnership Scheme
to make sure our construction workers are paid in a timely and fair manner and are properly
covered by the Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) retirement scheme.
Managing Health and Safety Performance
In construction and property management businesses, our standards in managing health
and safety risks extend to our contracted workers. We expect our contractors strictly follow
our safety protocols when working on site. Training has been a key driver in preventing
potential hazards at construction sites. All construction workers are required to attend at
least one worksite safety course before they may start working for us. Over 544,000 workers
undertook the training in 2014/15.
Compliance is evaluated by competent site safety personnel on a quarterly basis, whereas
external safety audits under the Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Safety Management)
Regulation are conducted every six months.
In order to encourage a transparent and comprehensive reporting of safety incidents,
we took the initiative last year to waive industry standard fees levied on claims filed by our
contractors at each of our development projects.
We maintained a zero fatality record in construction sites where we are the main contractor
this year. However, we regrettably report one fatality and two injuries at our subcontractor
managed Stubbs Road construction site in Hong Kong on 8 December, 2014. Following the
incident, all of our construction sites were suspended immediately for a series of internal
safety reviews performed by our construction team. In addition, we have established an
independent accident investigation panel to look into this incident. We took all necessary
actions to identify the root cause of the incident and undertake necessary measures to
prevent similar event in the future.
Prior to construction project commencement:
Induction trainings specific to the conditions of individual sites
During the project:
‘Tool Box Talks’ are frequently held at construction sites to
enhance alertness of workers
Site-specific training is organized when technical and
complicated work procedures are to be executed
Value Created for Supply Chain
Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited Sustainability Report 2014/15