Customer Feedback and Satisfaction
The SHKP team proactively seeks feedback from customers across our business sectors.
We always look for room to improve our products and services.
Surveys of five new residential
properties were carried out in
2014/15, covering over 1,000
homebuyers and over 2,400
Over 70% of homebuyers
surveyed considered our overall
property quality and handover
service as ‘Good’ or ‘Excellent’.
Periodic tenant visits and surveys
were carried out and over 500
office tenants were interviewed.
Over 95% of tenants surveyed
rated our property management
quality as ‘Good’ or ‘Excellent’.
Feedback from over 3,600 mall
tenants was collected.
Over 95% surveyed rated our
property management as ‘Good’
or ‘Excellent’.
More than 20,000 guests were
On average they gave a score of
86 out of possible 100 for hotel
facilities and services.
Customer satisfaction surveys
are built in the sales process at
retail shops and the call handling
process at call centres.
Feedback from over 260,000
customers was collected.
Over 98% of those surveyed rated
our service quality as ‘Good’.
A total of 10 corporate clients
were surveyed.
Over 95% of the respondents
were satisfied with our service
Office tenants
Shopping mall tenants
Hotel guests
Telecommunications customers
IT infrastructure customers
What our customers thought about our service in 2014/15
Anticipating Customer Needs
Customer experience hinges on quality and responsiveness to market needs. The SHKP
Quality Academy is a platform to foster our customer first culture and help our employees
better anticipate customer needs, in order to constantly enhance customer experience.
Please refer to
Value Created for Peoplein this report for more information about the SHKP
Quality Academy.
Our Initiatives reinforce the Group’s focus on innovation and continuous improvement of
customer experience. These schemes solicit ideas from our employees to improve quality,
efficiency, and safety, with annual prizes awarded for best suggestions.
Quality Raising Suggestion Scheme
For its 22 years, we proactively outreach our employees for innovative ideas. The scheme
response rate has been good with over half of the winning ideas implemented by our
businesses. The ideas help save homeowners’ time, reduce costs for commercial tenants
and protect the health and well-being of shopping mall visitors. This reporting year
our gold award winner, Estate Management, devised an inexpensive and user-friendly
ventilation system that clears volatile organic compounds and dust during renovation.
Work Safety Suggestion Scheme
For its seven years, many winning ideas are adopted by the local industry, which help to
boost both safety and quality of workplace. Another gold award winner this reporting
year, Construction Department, studied and came up with a warning system to lower
the risk of tipping over in crane lorry lifting operations. The results of study were shared
to relevant parties, in an attempt to enhance the safety of operating lifting equipment.
Customer Care Ambassador Election to encourage continuous service improvement at our
shopping malls is a signature programme involving public voting and assessments from
mall supervisors and mystery shoppers. The seventh election was held in 2014/15 and 107
employees from 21 SHKP malls were selected in recognition of their excellent performance.
Our telecommunications operation continues to innovate and diversify to meet changing
market demand and help address concerns raised by our customers. Our telecommunications
subsidary launched a number of leading new services in 2014/15 in the mobile service space.
Value Created for Customers
Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited Sustainability Report 2014/15