Established in 1996, our SHKP Club is the first and largest property membership club in Hong
Kong, providing two-way communication to over 348,000 members to facilitate customer
feedback and improve satisfaction. The Club has been an effective vehicle for the Group to
enhance our product and service quality, and interact with our customers through online and
offline platforms. It helps disseminate the Group’s related information and services to a wider
public. It also promotes loving homes and social harmony, while the annual Loving Home
from the Heart campaign aimed at promoting domestic harmony in lively ways, including:
Roving exhibition at SHKP malls attracted
more than 1,000,000 visits;
Lovey-loving Family comic series featured 10
10 ways to becoming a ‘Sweet Heart’ in the
family programme received 50,000 Likes from
Facebook fans;
Sweet Family Times Competition for stories attracted more than 6,000 entries;
Loving Home notebook charity sales received over HK$100,000 donation; and
Results of family survey shared to the public with the support from Hong Kong Family
Welfare Society.
Comments and suggestions from our customers are followed up by responsible teams from
respective divisions in a timely manner. There is also a formal customer complaint handling
mechanism. Complaints received through direct and indirect channels, such as our 24-hour
hotlines or external parties, are acknowledged in a timely manner and recorded for proper
follow-up. Immediate responses are expected in some of our businesses, such as hotels and
telecommunications, and the complaints are handled promptly.
All Complaints
Response within 10 working days
Immediate response
Verbal response within 10 minutes
Written response within 10 working days
Hotels have a more stringent protocol that requires all
complaints to be immediately reported to the Guest Services
The mean time to answer a call by an operator, counting from
the time a customer requests for discussion with an operator.
The mean time to acknowledge a complaint, counting from
the time a customer lodged the complaint.
The mean time to resolve the complaint, counting from the
time a customer lodged the complaint.
Excluding cases that (1) are waiting for information/decision
from the customer, (2) customers cannot be reached or
(3) on-site test is required.
Protecting Customer Privacy and Well-being
We treat customer data privacy seriously and are committed to abiding by the requirements
of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance of Hong Kong with a group-level Customer Data
(Privacy) Policy in all our operations.
We did not receive any substantiated complaints regarding breaches of customer privacy
and losses of customer data from any outside parties or regulators in 2014/15.
We strictly comply with the requirements of the Office of the Communications Authority in
telecommunications radio frequency management to safeguard the health and well-being
of our customers and the public. Our telecommunication infrastructure operates well within
safety standards.
Performance of Hotels
Performance of Property Management
Emergency Complaints:
Verbal Complaints:
Written Complaints:
Hotline Answer Time
Complaint Acknowledgement Time
Complaint Resolution Time
The average time for
90% calls is less than six seconds
Within one working day
>90% within three working days
Performance of Telecommunications
Visit our SHKP Club : www.shkpclub.comValue Created for Customers
Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited Sustainability Report 2014/15