Hong Kong is the Group’s home and our continuing success is inextricably
connected to the city’s enduring prosperity and development. We put our
Building Homes with Heart philosophy into action to make Hong Kong a
better place for everyone, with initiatives and resources that go beyond
philanthropy in addressing community needs.
Our Approach to Community Investment
We have had a three-pronged approach in promoting
reading and education, supporting sports for charity and
healthy living, and taking care for the underprivileged in the
community for years:
Figure as at January 2015
To have greater positive impacts, we plan to take further steps in measuring and evaluating the
progress of our community investments, in order to maximize value created for the community.
Responsible citizen
We invested in the community through charitable donations amounting to HK$70 million
this reporting year, provision of various in-kind sponsorships, and organizing over 120,000
hours employee volunteer work. Since 2012, we have raised over HK$17 million through
SHKP Vertical Run for Charity – Race to Hong Kong ICC. All those are in addition to paying
HK$4,771 million in tax.
Reading and Education
Sports for Charity and Healthy Living
Care for the Underprivileged
Promote reading culture
Encourage healthy lifestyles and sports for
Support the needy
Promote reading to a wider community
Introduce green elements to reading
Promote another major sporting event for
the community
Raise funds for children and youth in need
Expand the programme to a wider group of beneficiaries
SHKP Reading Club: 25,000 members in Hong
Kong and on the mainland, and introduced five
new series of initiatives
Recycle Your Read: over 26,000 books recycled in
five months
Driving happy reading among youths in
Hong Kong
Promoted Exercise for Good by introducing
a new territory-wide cycling event in 2015/16:
SHKP Hong Kong Cyclothon
SHKP Vertical Run for Charity extended to
Shanghai IFC
Achieve better results for Hong Kong Cyclothon
Promote vertical running to youth and the elderly
Track effectiveness and impacts of donations
Building Homes with Heart Caring Initiative:
over 10,000 beneficiaries
Social Inclusiveness: over 600 beneficiaries
since commencement
Engage wider target group
for 2014/15
Progress in
Goals for
Value Created for Community
Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited Sustainability Report 2014/15