Managing Human Rights
Respecting human rights has been an integral part of our approach to sustainability. We
actively manage work-related human rights issues wherever we operate, and extend such
expectations to our supply chain. For instance, we take rigorous measures to prevent the
use of child and forced labour in our business operations. Also, we respect employees’ rights
to join trade unions and bargain collectively. Our Code of Conduct establishes mutually
respective and collaborative work relationship, equal opportunities and freedom from all
kinds of discriminations, such as gender, age, family status, sexual orientation, disability, race
or religion or other characteristics.
Our commitments to human rights also extend to our supply chain. Please refer to
Value Created for Supply Chainsection for details.
We acknowledge the importance of gender equality through our Group-wide human
resources policy. We strive to offer career progression opportunities to women in
management positions and provide mother-friendly workplace. In 2014/15, we implemented
a programme to provide working mothers with flexible working hours. We currently employ
94 people with physical and mental disabilities.
Promoting and Enabling Diversity and Inclusion
We treat diversity and inclusion as a value driver and aim to create a vibrant and inclusive
workforce. With the expansion and diversification of our businesses, we recognize the
competitiveness and tangible value brought by diversity. Our code of conduct and
anti-discrimination practices guide our employees and business partners in the areas of
ethical business conduct and equal opportunity.
Workforce Distribution by Gender and Age
Total number of workforce (as at 30 June 2015): 26,428
Age over 50
Age under 50
Value Created for People
Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited Sustainability Report 2014/15