Developing Talent
Becoming an employer of choice requires huge investments in human capital. One of our
focuses is offering development opportunities, at both professional and personal levels,
to motivate and upskill our existing talent to align with our dynamic business needs. Talent
development has become an increasingly important priority to mitigate labour shortage
from a business planning perspective.
Each year, our Internal Affairs Department develops a structured development plan for
employees – from frontline staff all the way to senior management. Our training programmes
are regularly updated to ensure that our employees’ skills keep up with our ever-changing
business needs. We also actively seek feedback from our people to improve the content and
delivery of our training programmes. In addition to organizing internal classroom training,
we sponsor external training in work-related courses, ranging from short seminars to Master’s
degree programmes. A training library and e-learning programmes are also available to all
staff on the intranet with easy access to facilitate self-learning.
We regard skill diversification as an important aspect in developing our human capital. The
SHKP Quality Academy, a group-wide learning platform launched in 2013 as part of the
Quality Campaign, continues to bring multi-disciplinary knowledge to our employees. It
offers a range of cross-business-unit courses such as architecture and design, construction,
engineering, customer service, and management to the participants. Similarly, job rotation
and secondment opportunities to the mainland or Singapore would broaden the horizons
of our talent.
- The objective of the Academy is to develop our
people and equip them with comprehensive
skills and knowledge to deliver quality service
to our customers.
- Launched in 2007, the Academy has nurtured
111,086 participants, ranging from entry level
to managerial level.
Hong Yip People Development Academy
Authorized by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational
Qualifications, Hong Yip is the first company among its peers to organize property
management industry-related training programmes, which are ranged from Level 1 to 3
of the Qualification Framework (QF) scheme in Hong Kong. Since June 2010, Hong Yip
holds the largest number, as a total of 9, of accredited in-house training programmes in the
industry. In particular, our in-house training programme Certificate in Service Excellence is
based on Specification of Competency Standard. We are proud to provide the first of its kind
in property management industry as well as the others implementing QF scheme.
Cross-business-unit courses offered by
SHKP Quality Academy
For SmarTone, we launched a series of development
activities as part of the I care…. We care….
campaign to unleash our employees’ creativity,
encourage collaboration and enhance their sense of
achievement and belonging at work. The activities,
comprised of workshops and sharing sessions,
were designed to equip employees with necessary
knowledge and skills to improve work efficiency and
deliver an excellent customer experience. Over 1,000
employees across all functions have participated.
I care…. We care…. campaign
Value Created for People
Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited Sustainability Report 2014/15