Our property management subsidiaries received the following awards, certificates and
labels in recognition of environmental sustainability achievements:
Hong Kong Green Mark Certification by the Federation of Hong Kong Industries
Q-Mark Council
Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence – top five organizations with most
Environmental labels and Carbon Reduction certificates: Carbon“Less”
Hong Kong Green Organization Certification by the Environmental Campaign
3+ Honorary Certificate of Wood Recycling & Tree Conservation Scheme by the Hong
Kong Environmental Protection Association
Better World Company Label and Green Office Awards Labelling Scheme (GOALS)
by the World Green Organization
Hong Kong Green Awards 2014 by the Green Council
The HSBC Living Business Award 2014 in the category of Green Achievement
GREEN PLUS Recognition Award 2014 by the CLP Power Hong Kong
Waste Management
We support the government’s waste reduction targets and waste management measures as
set out in the Hong Kong Blueprint for Sustainable Use of Resources 2013-2022. We manage
our waste through a tiered approach, with a priority on prevention, reuse and recycling.
Following good construction planning and practices to avoid or minimize waste generation
at source, we use computer modelling to simulate environmental impacts and identify and
reduce unnecessary abortive work that generates waste. We produced over 770,000 tonnes
of construction waste in 2014/15, of which nearly 90% was recycled, up from 80% last year.
Recycled materials were used on site as foundation fill, which helped save an estimated
HK$19 million for disposing of fill materials in the reporting period.
We strive to divert
municipal solid waste from landfills with various programmes. Over 8,000 tonnes of waste
ranging from plastics to food were recycled in 2014/15.
Our tenants, customers and residents are encouraged to adopt waste separation practices
at source. We organize waste management programmes to help them effectively manage
and reduce waste. These include comprehensive recycling and reuse schemes as well as
seasonal and special campaigns. We engage them together with our staff, to participate
in Wastewi$e Label Scheme, wherein we attain 312 labels across the properties we own or
At ICC and Park Island, we installed food waste disposers to convert leftover food to organic
fertilizer for gardening. Some are further distributed to organic farms run by our NGO
partners and local schools.
Food Waste Disposer at Park Island
The amount saved by recycling construction waste is estimated based on the unit charge rate of
disposing of construction waste to public fills in Hong Kong (HK$ 27/tonne).
Please refer to
Data Tablesfor details.
Value Created for Environment
Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited Sustainability Report 2014/15