SHKP Quarterly

YATA Limited opened a new supermarket in Harbour North in this November, representing its 12th store in the chain. The latest addition is also YATA’s debut presence in Island East. The 2,600-square-metre-plus (28,000-square-foot-plus) YATA Supermarket (North Point) is close to the harbourfront promenade, making it the first YATA supermarket along the harbour. Inspired by the fishermen’s wharf, the new store is designed as a Japanese fish market. The products on shelves are mainly Japanese premium food products, which are set to appeal to young Japanophiles and stylish customers in the district. Special features include five distinguished gourmet brands which offer award-winning Hida beef buns, Japanese gold award fried chicken, Takoyaki at the sister restaurant to a Michelin-starred restaurant, a Kobe traditional bakery’s buns and Michelin Chiu Chow marinade snacks. There is also a Farmhouse of Japanese Wagyu which exclusively supplies Wagyu from Kobe, Omi and Hida, presenting a beef feast for lovers of Japanese beef. 一田有限公司於今年 11 月在北角匯開設超級市場,屬一田第 12 家分店兼 港島東首家分店。 一田超市(北角)佔地逾 2,600 平方米( 28,000 平方呎),臨近海濱長 廊,為一田首家臨海超市。新店以漁人碼頭為設計概念,塑造成日式漁市 場風情,貨品以日本優質食材為主,必將吸引區內年輕哈日族及品味一 族。新店特別引入“五大星級受賞食桌”,帶來多款獲獎美食,包括飛 The SHKP Malls App has integrated the latest information from over 3,400 merchants in 26 SHKP malls, offering practical features about dining, parking, shopping and promotions all in one fingertip. The SHKP Malls App was recently upgraded with a more user-friendly interface to further enhance the customer experience. The Point by SHKP integrated loyalty programme has been well received since its launch in late March 2019, with membership surpassing 500,000 to date. The number of participating malls has increased to 17, with the latest additions being Harbour North and Metropolis Plaza. Members can earn bonus points for their spending in participating malls, register their bonus points using an electronic bonus point self-registration system and redeem them for a variety of rewards and privileges across 17 malls. Members can also use the contactless hourly parking service at 15 malls for greater convenience. In addition, members now have a chance to gain more bonus points under the Happy Share 300M The Point Bonus Points activity for added shopping fun. YATA Supermarket opens in Harbour North, expanding its portfolio to Island East 一田超市進駐北角匯 開拓港島東市場 Facelift for the SHKP Malls App More participating malls in The Point by SHKP integrated loyalty programme “新地商場” App 全新面貌亮相 The Point by SHKP 商場綜合會員計劃再添參與商場 YATA CEO Susanna Wong (centre), Ambassador and Consul- General of the Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong Mitsuhiro Wada (second right) and JETRO Hong Kong Director General Tomohiro Takashima (first left) officiate at the YATA Supermarket (North Point) opening ceremony 一田百貨行政總裁黃思麗(中)連同日本駐香港總領事館大使暨總領 事和田充廣(右二)及日本貿易振興機構(香港)所長高島大浩(左 一)主持一田超市(北角)的開幕儀式 The upgraded SHKP Malls App features a more user-friendly interface “新地商場” App 升級,界面設計更加簡 潔易用 驒牛肉包、金賞炸雞、米其林姐妹店章魚燒、神戶 百年老店麵包及米其林潮州鹵水小吃。新店還設有 “日本和牛 Farmhouse ”,獨家集合神戶、近江、 飛驒三大和牛,為“和牛控”帶來牛肉盛宴。 “新地商場” App 結集 26 個新地商場的 最新信息,匯聚超過 3,400 個商鋪,提 供多項實用功能,涵蓋用餐、停車、購 物及推廣活動信息,顧客輕輕一點便可 盡享消費便利。“新地商場” App 最近 升級,界面設計更加簡潔易用,進一步 提升顧客的操作體驗。 The Point by SHKP 商場綜合會員計劃 自 2019 年三月底推出以來反應熱烈, 會員人數至今已超過 500,000 ,參與商 場增至 17 家,最新參與商場為北角匯及 新都廣場。會員可在參與商場統一賺取 獎賞積分,並運用電子自助積分管理系 統登記積分,以換領集合 17 家商場的多 元化獎賞及優惠。會員還可在多達 15 個 商場享用免觸式時租停車服務,方便省 時。另外,會員現在更可參與“ Happy Share 3 億 The Point 積分”活動,有機 會賺取更多積分,增加購物樂趣。 20 簡訊 Vol 94 • Q4 2019 • SHKP Quarterly